More things to despise
You know what else goes on the list of things to dislike?
Metrosexual self-absorbed men who get pedicures and take longer to get ready in the morning than I do!
What ever happened to regular old guys who are a little sloppy with respect to their grooming? Who drink BEER? Who watch baseball? Guys where you have to yell at them to get off the couch to go mow the lawn? I would rather date a guy who is wearing mismatched socks than a slick, overgroomed, pretty boy any day of the week.
But oh, if it were that easy I could just head to Hooters and pick up a barfly.
If you want to be amazed at what men are doing to look good (and not for women, mind you - they're doing it for themselves!) check out this article originally published in New York Magazine: