Wednesday, March 15, 2006

When You're Done, You're Done (?)

I managed to talk about something other than boys for two whole posts. So back to my favorite topic.

He called tonight. He'll be down to visit this weekend. Our conversation took on the tone of people who know each other well enough not to put on a front. We were both honest and a little bit mean. We did not converse like people who are interested in each other. I found out that he lied about being in Miami the Sunday he stood me up; he told me is deathly allergic to cats and staying at my house made him ill for a week, and in turn, made his family ill. I told him he is flaky with plans and I don't believe I will actually see him this weekend.

In short, the conversation did not go well.

It further made me realize that I'm so sick of this whole situation. If I met someone even remotely interesting who lives in Miami I would probably forget him.

Still, I haven't forgotten him in two and a half years.

I always say that I'm not looking for a "nice" guy, that I want someone who will argue with me and fight back. But after my conversation tonight with a guy who is a big jerk, I have come to realize that I have no idea what I want, who I'm looking for, what I need, or what type of guy would make me happy. I'm completely clueless.

And I feel like as far as this guy goes, to whom I formerly referred as my future husband, I think I'm just about done with him. There's only so much one girl can take. If I see him this weekend, I see him, and if not, then it's done. Even if I see him, I might still be done. I think when you're done, you're done. But I might be wrong.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Death by Song

Devastating news: my iPod somehow deleted over 2500 songs. I am left with a mere 312 songs.

If you're a faithful reader you will recall a previous post long ago regarding the utter agony I experienced while uploading over 500 CDs. I won't rehash it. Suffice to say, it sucked. And because I don't have sufficient capacity on my hard drive to store the music (not to mention that the letter "A" key has fallen off my keyboard) I had to delete songs as I uploaded them. It will take at least another two weeks to upload everything again. I am not looking forward to it.

My parents sympathized but did not quite understand the gravity of the situation. My mother's comment was, "Do you really have 500 CDs?" I responded and said, "I probably have more."

I have easily spent more money on music and concerts than anything else. Even more than shoes. Considering that last week I counted and discovered that I have 34 pairs of shoes (not including at least ten pairs of flip flops), that's saying something.

Today my iPod brought me so much joy on the way to work while I listened to a live performance by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah from last week that I downloaded from NPR. My commute was nearly enjoyable today. Tomorrow will be dismal.

Going along with my good things coming with bad things idea, a common thread on this blog, I should note that I had an amazing weekend at the Langerado music festival. Had a great positions to see CYHSY, The Flaming Lips, Wilco, Rjd2, and bunches of other bands. Please note that the following groups can be completely ignored in the future: Ben Harper; The Brazilian Girls; and Kid Koala. Don't waste your time.

I didn't think it was possible to like CYHSY any more than I already did. But the group put on a great show AND turned out to be seriously cute! So is Rjd2. My long-standing love of Jeff Tweedy has diminished somewhat, and I decided that I should probably be married to Wayne Coyne of The Flaming Lips. He's so silly and has a great ass -what's not to love?

I am going to be in trouble when I see The Killers in two weeks ... LOVE Brandon Flowers. Sigh.

If my love of music doesn't do me in, my love of rock stars will.

Eh ... better than reality, at any rate.

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