Insecurity should not be a strange title for a post right now, what with the bar and everything.
And yet, it is somewhat ridiculous in light of my weekend, since the insecurity to which I am referring is not bar-related, but boy-related.
Had a great time with him the last few days. We were attached at the hip Thurs/Fri/Sat nights. Had dinner with his parents on Saturday night and it went really well. I'm full-out crazy about him and I pretty sure he digs me.
And yet...
I met a girl a couple weeks ago who is several respects is VERY similar to me. We hail from the same state originally, have similar personalities, similar senses of humor, etc. Except that she is taller, thinner, and has long blond hair. In short, this girl is the enemy. I was telling her today about the boy and she sounded a little too interested. Frankly, she should be happy that I'm off the market and can try to set her up, because I'm competition to her, too.
Now I can't tell if I'm just being paranoid, or if I should be concerned. I asked my mother (granted, not a bastion of rationality, and therefore not necessarily a reasonable barometer of sanity) and she agreed with me. I don't know this girl well at all, and the boy is a great catch. Granted, I think we are pretty secure. And I'm pretty sure he would still like me better, anyway.
And yet...
I'm definitely not introducing them. Not for a long time, if ever. I'm taking no chances, and I'm not willing to mess this up. I'm sitting here, infront of the computer, trying to work out my insecure, over-caffeineated jitters and talk myself into believing that things are OK.
Deep breath...
Things are OK.
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